The Ape-Man Cometh
I talk here of the theory, first publicised by Darwin ( I make no mention here of a gentleman who went under the title of Lord Monbodo, and the name Alfred Russel Wallace skips my mind), as I was saying, I talk of the theory attributed to Darwin, known as EVOLUTION BY NATURAL SELECTION, which would have it that MAN is descended from the APE --- no quarrel there, but what does it mean?
Well, consider this: what do I mean when I say that I aped someone? Of course, I mean I copied them. And how does evolution work? By copying the parent, with a few variations thrown in, to create the offspring. So, then, MAN is, and ought always to be, a copyist. (I paraphrase Hume here: reason is, and ought always to be, the slave of passion. There is sense in that, for the same reason there is sense in man being a copyist) In being copyists, we are only, after all, copying natures methods of dealing with complexity, and creating diversity and richness etc etc, topics upon which I have dealt in other blogs ... so, we have it on the BEST authority.
Right, so that solves my problem with 'writer's block' .... I'm just away off to write LORD OF THE RINGS!
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