
Saturday, October 21, 2006


In an earlier blog, I observed that our current predilection for competition, (have we not made something of a god of it?) is, in fact, unhealthy --- on grounds that it creates monocultures.

Indeed, the distinguishing feature that distinguishes between systems that are fundamentally competitive, or fundamentally cooperative, is that competition reduces diversity, leading ultimately to a monoculture, whereas cooperation creates diversity. This fact alone allows us to conclude that the natural world is fundamentally COOPERATIVE!

Considering how much our culture likes to justify competition by refering to nature, this might come as something of a shocker!

The evidence is 'in your face'! : take a glance at our cultural environment --- does the whole world aspire to be America, or does it not? And, on the contrary, are there not many, many more different kinds of invironment and many, many more species of animal in the world today than ever before? --- I rest my case!


So, why is the world, are we, so sold on competition? What it comes down to is motivation; what keeps us going on living day after day; what makes us want to live? --- to have a life?

Well, currently, it is money, power, status, and, underwriting all of those, competition. It's about keeping up with the Joneses, and then going one better. Why pratice running if not to win the olympics? Why play the piano if not to win the 'young musician of the year' award? Why act if not to win an oscar? Why dress in the latest fashions if not to impress the boss/opposite sex/friend?

Well, one could go on for ever examining the motives for people's actions, but the interesting thing is what is not there, or not very often.

To live for the LOVE of living.

--- that is what life is about. It is created for us to enjoy. We are endowed with senses/feelings/intellect so that we can interact with the world and enjoy it. Everything I do makes me more able, more knowledgable --- perhaps Tennyson expresses it best in his poem, ULYSSES: Every experience is an arch wherethrough gleams that untravelled world, whose margin fades forever as I move. These lines express a zest for life and experience (which is what life is.), a natural curiosity which is only fed and grows with every new experience.

When you get your head, and feelings, round living for the joy of living, you have gained access to the 'fountain of life'. Motivation is just not a problem. Enthusiasm, zest for living just well up afresh every day. Depression is unknown.

But, more, you become FREE AND INDEPENDENT. When you need competition to motivater you, you need someone to compete with. When you live for the joy of it, then you need no-one. Also, you are free, because you no longer need someone to tell you what to do/ to sanction what you do/ to justify what you do etc. Everything you do is an experience, and every experience is a good, because experience is what generates more zest for life; it is what generates greater abilities, knowledge and understanding.

In conclusion:

And, what is more, that is the route to world peace, health and all of us being happy bunnies!


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