or is it a computer that thinks its a woman?
However, I have recorded and transcribed onto one of my other blogspots (joan-dreams.blogspot.com) a fortune card reading I did with my sister, as I think it provides a beautiful illustration of the points I have been making about the relative stupidity of computers.
Anyone reading that transcription with a dictionary in one hand, and a copy of USAGE AND ABUSAGE in the other hand, would be appalled .... lexicographically and grammatically it is a total mess. BUT, on the I KNOW WHAT YOU MEAN scale, it reaches top marks and keeps on climbing. This means that a computer would never be able to make sense of what it is about; it takes something of the sophistication of the human mind for that.
In fact, some readers, I have no doubt, might feel some sympathy for the computer! The HUMAN fact is, that it was a LIVE PERFORMANCE, and I spoke to my sister IN HER OWN LINGO. Both these facts make the reading of the blog more difficult, but then, if you were there, I would speak to you in your lingo, and the understanding would be easy peasy. It might take me a while to find out what is your lingo, but I'd be watching your face as I spoke to see how you were responding to me, and I'd be listening to how you were talking, expressing yourself, to me, and with good communication and complete understanding as the goal, I'd be adjusting the way I spoke to you until a satisfactory level of understanding was being achieved. Then, if I recorded the result of such a card reading, it would be as messy as the one I have transcribed already, but DIFFERENT, adjusted to the understanding of a different person. Now, that is humans for you, do you know what I mean?
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