As I said, we have no material existence, and there is no material world. We construct our universes for ourselves from information that is transmitted to us from the Que. In fact, we exist in a sea of information, some of which is relevant to us and some of which is relevant to the infinite number of other beings who have their own, entirely alien, universes.
The first task for my mind is to filter out only information that is relevant to my universe. That is easy, in fact, because the information from my Que to me is usable only by me, and no other mind. Likewise, information produced by other Ques for their partners is meaningless to my mind. This is the nature and purpose of the symbiosis the exists between Que/human partners.
But even after I have isolated the information that comes from my Que, there is a great deal more of it that I am currently aware, much less am currently able to use. All this excess information exists in a sort of subconscious dream world, into which I get only occasional glimpses. Some of the more startling, sometimes bizarre, glimpses we get of this world are ghosts, guardian angels, hallucinations, mystical experiences, visions, and all other forms of psychic, and psychotic experience. (I have emphasised psychotic because the problem with much of what we call 'mental illness' is not the symptoms, which, as the above suggests are quite natural and even useful, but the fear of the symptoms and of mental illness/insanity)
As an example of how this subconscious dream world works, it is useful to describe my own first experience of it.
As one of the approaches to treating my own mental illness, I attended a clinical psychologist to receive Cognitive Behavioural Therapy. The basis of this is learning to observe one's own thoughts and to examine them in a detatched way that allows one to alter any that may be causing negativity, anxiety, or whatever. Thus, it is very much an awareness-raising exercise; it causes one to turn one's vision inwards, as it were, looking into one's own head.
At first, it was very much thoughts, ideas, and feelings that I became aware of, but, later, I began to realise that there were visual images as well. The first time was when I was walking along the beach near my home one afternoon. I spotted a piece of flotsam which I thought would be suitable, if I was to trim it with a sharp knife, for a craft project I was working on. As I thought about how I would trim it, I had a flash of insight: I saw a dream image ghost fleetingly across my vision of myself cutting the object, and in the dream I cut the tip of my finger off.
Such a dream image normally goes unseen, but not unfelt. That particular image would have made me feel anxious about carrying out the task of trimming the piece of flotsam, and would even have influenced my actions and caused me to cut my finger. My fear of heights is likewise caused by subconscious visions of falling whenever I am close to the edge of a cliff.
That first insight was of the negative influences of insight. But, in a healthy individual, a really healthy individual, such images are helpful. So, if I was, in fact, rather clumsey with a sharp knife, the Que could provide a dreamlet of me successfully cutting an object, and that would have the effect of improving my performance.
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